Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Stag's Leap by Sharon Olds

  1. How did you feel that Olds handled the subject matter of the collection? Did you feel it was handled lightly? Sensitively? Heavy-handedly?
  2. Did you feel that she gave an accurate portrayal of a divorce?
  3. Did the subject warrant a whole book?
  4.   We are only hearing one voice in this collection – did you feel that it was too one-sided?
  5.    How did you feel about Olds’ portrayal of her ex husband?
  6. 6  How did you feel about the collection overall? Did you like/dislike it? Why?
  7. What was your favourite/least favourite poem? Why?
  8.  Did you notice any particularly striking use of simile or metaphor?
  9. Would you read more of Olds’ work?
  10.  Had you read this kind of ‘confessional’ style poetry before? What are your thoughts about this style of seemingly very personal writing?
  11.   Did the collection feel too long/too short/just right?
  12.  If you had a friend getting divorced would you share this book with them?