Monday, 25 November 2013

Electric Shadow by Heidi Williamson

1)      Did you notice any recurring themes and ideas within the collection?
2)      What was your favourite/least favourite poem? Why?
3)      Williamson was poet in residence at The Science Museum – was this evident in her work? If there were any scientific themes how do you feel that these work? Are they accessible to the general reader?
4)      Williamson’s writing tends to be quite spare – shortish poems, and a lot of white space around them – how do you feel about Williamson’s style? Are the poems successful? Did you want more?
5)      What did you think of the Matroyshka series – what do you think that the author was trying to achieve.
6)      Reviewers have talked about a thread or theme of light running through the collection – did you notice this?
7)      How did you feel about the collection overall? Did you enjoy it? Were there themes or ideas that you could connect with?

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Homesick for the Earth, Poems by Jules Supervielle with versions by Moniza Alvi.

What did you think of the collection as a whole? Did you like it?

What was your favourite/least favourite poem? Why?

What do you think that the author is trying to say in the title poem?

Would you rather that the poems were straight translations, or do you think that they gain something from being versions?

Alvi explains in the introduction her reasons behind changing the forms of some of the poems. Did the fact that she had changed the forms bother you? Does it affect the integrity of the poems? Does it enhance them?

Will this book make you seek out other versions of Supervielle’s work? Or Moniza Alvi’s?

Did you notice any particular themes running through the collection?

Is there a sense of movement in the collection? Can you observe any kind of logical order? 

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

A Light Song of Light by Kei Miller

1)      What were your overall impressions of the book? Did you like/dislike it? Why?
2)      The book plays upon the inter-relationship between darkness and light – do you think Miller was successful in this? Did the book come out strongly in favour of one side over the other?
3)      Some of the poems deal specifically with death and loss – how did these make you feel? Could you relate to them?
4)      Which poem was your favourite/least favourite? Why?
5)      Did you notice any musicality and rhythm to the collection? How did this affect your reading of the poems?
6)      Some of the poems are set in Jamaica – could you relate to these? Did they give you a greater understanding of Jamaican culture?
7)      Miller uses some unusual words, did you feel you needed to look things up? Did you want a glossary?
8)      How did you feel about the title poem?
9)      Did you notice the use of any particular forms or patterns?
10)  The book is divided into two sections – Day Time and Night Time, can you see why the author has done this? Which section did you prefer?

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Grace – Esther Morgan

1)      What the main or recurring themes in this collection? Were there words or ideas that kept cropping up?
2)      In the title poem Grace what do you think it is that the narrator is waiting for?
3)      What do you think the poet means by Grace? Does the title poem and the collection as a whole fit with these ideas?
4)      There are several poems in the collection that are inspired by works of art – do these work well as stand-alone poems? Did you feel the need to look at the artwork? If so did this change or enhance your reading of the poem?
5)      What was your favourite/least favourite poem in the collection? Why?
6)      Morgan mainly writes in two and three line stanzas – did you feel that this spare form suited the themes that she is writing about?
7)      There is a feeling of unexplored potential or of things not quite resolved in these poems – how did this make you feel? Did you want more resolution? Or were you happy to be left with a sense of unknowing?
8)      This collection has been described as being slightly bleak and religious in tone – would you agree with this?
9)      What was your impression of the collection as a whole? How did it make you feel? What do you remember most about it?
10)  Have you read any of Morgan’s other work? Would you seek it out having read Grace?

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Self Portrait in the Dark - Colette Bryce

Bryce’s poems have been described by some reviewers as being overly constrained or holding back – would you agree with this?

Did you feel that the collection had any overriding themes or connections?

What was your favourite/least favourite poem? Why?

Self Portrait in a Wing Mirror won the Cardiff International Poetry Prize in 2007 – why do you think this was selected as the winning poem?

Did you notice the use of any particular forms or stanza patterns?  How do you feel these complemented the writing?

Vertical Blinds is a concrete poem, did you feel that it was successful? Does the layout enhance the words?

Bryce has a fondness for rhyme patterns – how did you feel about this? Is it integral to the work? Does it enhance it? Was it annoying?

Did you get any sense of location/place from the poems?